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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Chris Christie
Gov. New Jersey
FOXNEWSW 08/06/2015
Christie: I'm the only person on this stage whose actually filed applications under the patriot act, who have gone before the foreign intelligence service court, who has prosecuted and investigated and jailed terrorists in this country after September 11th. I was appointed U.S. Attorney by President Bush on S10th, 2001. And the world changed enormously the next day. and it happened in my state. This not theoretical to me. I went to the funerals. we lost friends of ours in the trade center that day. My own wife was two blocks from the trade center that day at her office having gone to it that morning. When you actually have to be responsible for doing this you can do it and we did it for seven years in my office, respecting civil liberties and protecting the homeland. And I will make no apologies ever for protecting the lives and the safety of the American people. We have to give more tools to our folks to be able to do that not fewer and then trust those people and oversee them to do it the right way. As President, that is exactly what I'll do.
Rand Paul
Senator (R-Kentucky), Member of Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs
FOXNEWSW 08/06/2015
Paul: I want to collect more records from terrorists, and less records from innocent Americans. The Fourth Amendment is what we fought the revolution over. John Adams said it was a spark that led to our war for independence and I'm proud of standing for the Bill of Rights and I will continue to stand for the Bill of Rights. Christie: And Megan, Megyn, that's -- that's a completely ridiculous answer. I want to collect more records from terrorists but less records from other people. How you supposed to know, Megyn how are you – Paul: Use the Fourth Amendment . Use the Fourth Amendment -- Get a warrant. Christie: Let me tell you something. Paul: Get a judge to sign a warrant. Christie: you know -- Senator – Kelly: Wait. Wait. Governor Christie make your point.
Rand Paul
Senator (R-Kentucky), Member of Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs
FOXNEWSW 08/06/2015
Christie: When you're sitting in a subcommittee just blowing hot air about this you can say things like that. When you're responsible for protecting the lives of the American people then what you need to do is to make sure is to make sure that that the system works the way it's supposed to work. Paul: Here is the problem, Governor. You fundamentally misunderstand the bill of rights. Every time you did a case you got a warrant from a judge. I'm talking about searches without warrants indiscriminately of all Americans' records. And that's what I fought to end. I don't trust President Obama with our records. I know you gave him a big hug. If you want to give him a big hug again, go right ahead.
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